Welcoming returning writers; recognizing troubling trends

The column on page 5 in our latest issue is by Thomas Jipping, who used to write regularly for Christian Renewal in the 1990s and early 2000s.

We’re glad to have him back after a lengthy hiatus. His expertise is politics, particularly American politics, and you’ll see his byline on a regular basis once again. Welcome back, Tom!

 Another writer who graced these pages on occasion is beginning a three-part series of articles on the Presbyterian Church in America. He does this as a minister with the PCA, although not a life-time member.

The PCA is a denomination with over 370,000 members and over 1800 congregations around the United States and into Canada. What the PCA is going through calls to mind what the CRC was and is still going through in terms of factions that embrace a more liberal approach to the Scriptures. This comes to expression in causes that go against God’s Word and that create dissension, doubt and general unrest.

Because of having grown up in that environment myself, I hate to see the same things taking place in the PCA, because there is so much potential for good in that large and influential denomination. It grieves me to see those struggles flare up in various church communities, to the detriment of the PCA’s witness. So we asked Dr. Gleason to share his experiences and insights as a veteran pastor and keen church observer.

There is so much happening in our culture today that it is hard to keep up, let alone understand the currents that are swirling around culture’s weakened foundations.

Hermina Dykxhoorn takes a look at the transgender movement that is engulfing society right now, leading to laws and legislation that make little or no sense,
and do more damage than good.

With all the social engineering going on, one wonders when polygamy will become the next cause celebre. Michael Wagner shares its history and notes the damage it does to the order that God has set in place for our ultimate – one man, one woman.

 Gerry Wisz writes extensively in this issue about “The New Socialists” (take the time to read it!) and what their rise in America could mean for the present and future of the United States.With so many examples in modern history of socialism’s abject failure (the latest in Venezuela), the desire for autonomy apart from God is as old as Adam and continues to rear its head from generation to generation.

 Media credibility continues to take hits on a weekly basis as prejudices and biases continue to shine through. Recently in Washington, DC, some 650,000 people gathered to March for Life. In the country’s most news saturated city, one would expect coverage of the event.Yet for the most part, the annual gathering – where President Trump shared a recorded message of support and Vice-President Pence spoke – received scant notice, other than exploitive coverage with theintent to make supporters look bigoted and racist.

 All in all a sad commentary on journalism today. All the more it highlights the need for alternative voices who still believe in truth and who can articulate it well.

John Vandyk, Editor
Christian Renewal Magazine


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