How Small Things Become Very Large Things
The original act that precipitated the fall into sin may
seem to some skeptics a small thing. Eve took a bite of forbidden fruit, then
she gave it to Adam to eat. And a seemingly minor act of disobedience enveloped
the whole world in sin and misery. Things have never been the same since the
earth’s good beginning. Context, of course, is everything.
Today, a tiny virus – microscopic – metamorphosed in what is
called a “wet market” in China, and through contact, many, many contacts, this microscopic
virus, has traveled the globe, sparking fear, panic, uncertainty. As of this
writing it continues its contagious spread.
In the case of this particular strain of the coronavirus,
many scientific researchers are furiously pouring over formulations in an
attempt to discover an antidote that will battle with and kill the virus – to
end its reign of terror, a reign that has shut down church buildings,
ministries, conferences, businesses, households, airlines, schools, resorts,
sports teams, gambling casinos, movie theatres, art galleries, public transit –
a good portion of what we’ve come to know as daily living. The result is
substantial and significant.
And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the
soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Not everyone who contracts the coronavirus dies. Many have
died, but many more have survived. The result, however, of Adam and Eve’s
transaction in the Garden was far worse, leading to the death of both body and
But there is an antidote.
It came at a great price. But it
was a price that we did not have to pay. And the antidote is not just a cure
for the coronavirus. It is a cure that lasts for eternity. The Church
celebrates that antidote this Easter and every week when we gather for church
on resurrection Sunday. We know the antidote. We have the antidote, and we’ve
been charged to share it with the world. Many will take it; many will reject
it. Still it is our gift to give.
The world is sick and broken, and the virus that is making
the rounds is a reminder of our sin-sick state, and our need for a Saviour.
Pray that many millions today would turn to Him who can cure both body and soul
John Van Dyk, Editor
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